Wednesday, April 30

Week-In-Review (W.I.R from now on)

Well this week in Review. Not many highlights this week. Just work, work, work. I was on my long week, that is I have a pretty set schedule.. Every other weekend off. To accomplish this I work a long week. So that means 6 days in a row! Man, at the end they are tiring.

Well, to make things better, I came in on my day off in to fix some issues at work and spent a couple hours at it. This coming weekend, I really must avoid the place at all costs. My team accomplished our housewares reset just about a week early, so that was a big win. Unfortunatley, I got some bad news that I was losing a leader from my team to a transfer. That news was then countered with the addition of another teammate into that position that will be a good fit. Slowly, but surely I am getting things down and it is refreshing to see hard work and effort pay off. Since leaving the mess of Circuit City, it is additionally refreshing.

My plans for a game shop are still in the works...

Movie Review-- Golden Compass

So I rented the Golden Compass.

For those of you who know me, I am not very religious. I always find it comical when groups of people get all tied up about a movie coming out that 'threatens' their beliefs. This is one such movie that has caused such a stir. After viewing this film, what is the big effing deal? i respect people's choice to a belief but to witch hunt movie like Golden Compass and Harry Potter? Spend more time building up your religion and less time tearing down others and movies like this. God is not going to give you a shiny medal for your part in boycotting the 'evil' movies. When I start talking to imaginary animals that hold my spirit with dust or whatever, then there's a problem; otherwise it's just a movie- usually they are make believe! Overall I liked the movie. The pacing was good at the beginning, but towards the end is drawn out. I didn't like the ending, it just seemed to abrupt; obviously there is a sequel planned. The story is very good and the movie did good work in character and story development. The movie is not too serious, and some of the characters like Scoresby are a bit tongue-in-cheek. Acting is average, with notable performances from Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig.The soundtrack is appropriate and well done. This is a one time view for me. Not to be owned in the collection unless further sequels validate a need.

Coming Soon-- Across The Universe

First Star of the new Hobbit Movie!?!

Well , they selected the first star of the new prequel to Lord of The Rings movies, the Hobbit, at least rumored so.

The rumor is that Ian McKellen will reprise the role of Gandalf. This would be a good move to connect the 4 movies together. I am really excited to see if this indeed comes together. Seems like Ian himself would love to play the role, stating that he would hate to see anyone else in this role.

Welcome to AaroSphere!!

I plan to use this site as an updater into whats going on in my Rollercoaster life. Stay tuned!