Wednesday, April 30

Week-In-Review (W.I.R from now on)

Well this week in Review. Not many highlights this week. Just work, work, work. I was on my long week, that is I have a pretty set schedule.. Every other weekend off. To accomplish this I work a long week. So that means 6 days in a row! Man, at the end they are tiring.

Well, to make things better, I came in on my day off in to fix some issues at work and spent a couple hours at it. This coming weekend, I really must avoid the place at all costs. My team accomplished our housewares reset just about a week early, so that was a big win. Unfortunatley, I got some bad news that I was losing a leader from my team to a transfer. That news was then countered with the addition of another teammate into that position that will be a good fit. Slowly, but surely I am getting things down and it is refreshing to see hard work and effort pay off. Since leaving the mess of Circuit City, it is additionally refreshing.

My plans for a game shop are still in the works...

1 comment:

Jared said...

WOW!!!!! u have done alot of work on this site....its really well done too. I wonder if there are ways to categorize blogs (for example movie reviews, work-life, home life etc..)