Sunday, May 11

Picture from the Past

Well, I am going to have some fun with some of my pictures.. every week I am going to post a "picture from the past". I will then give a little history behind it. Sometimes it will be a picture of an object from the past.

So, Here is the first picture from my past....

This week is typically the prom week for Utah schools, and this picture fits for the time of the year. This is a picture from my (at the time) girlfriend's prom from 15 years ago. (I was a senior in this picture) Was it that long ago?? Wow!

Pictured from left to right.. Well the first guy was my friend's date and obviously he was not important enough to remember his name!!!!! Haha, oh well. Thanks for playing. Next in line, brings Debbie Nearing, a good friend. followed by: me! With hair! 2 years later would end the hair days for me. The last would be Heather Eldredge, my ex-girlfriend.

Sad enough to say, the details of the prom are lost in the attic of my mind.

Tuesday, May 6

Iron man review

One movie down in the big Summer list. Ironman was good, and it's weekend numbers are no fluke. At first most people that I spoke with regarding the movie were critical with the choice of Robert Downey, Jr. in this role. Well, he was well suited for the role.

The movie is packed with action, humor and special effects. Transformers was as well, and this movie is no different. I completley enjoyed the movie. Plenty of witty one-liners only Robert Downey, jr can deliver.

Take the time to watch this, in the theatre. Absolutley will be in my collection.

The one thing bad about the whole experience: A total jackass 3 rows down from me. It is always someone who will ruin the movie going experience. For example, When Jared and I went to see Fred Claus last Christmas: 3 couples arrive each with 2 kids in tow. We usually sit in the back row so our chairs dont get kicked by some lame-o who can't control his legs. Well these couples sat one row forward the back and deposited their total of 6 kids in the back. You know full well that there was no supervision of these kids. The backrow became a jungle gym. Kids would run around and occassionaly lean over the chair trying to get their little fingers into the popcorn. Later in the movie, one little girl came over and stood and stared at both of us. For 2 minutes. So we moved. Low and behold, we chose another idiot to sit in front of. This one gets caught up in the movie and starts singing with the christmas carols featured in the film. That experience alls short of one I had watching Oceans 13. Obviously this couple were on their first date and decided to talk to each other during the entire movie. At least until I told them to shut the * up.

Well, all that is now beat by the lamest of them all. This jackass decided to wear his bluetooth headset during the movie. The bad thing about it was the bright blue light that flashed every 3 seconds! Why would anyone wear that in the film? it'd have to be hard to hear.. every time that jackass spoke to his kids, the rest of the back row felt like we were coming in for a landing. I was close to throwing an icecube from my cup at the back of his head. What type of dumb ass decides that he is too important to remove his headset? He's not in the secret service. Only excuse I can think of is that he forgot it was on. I don't see how, with a big bright flash every 3 seconds. Our eyes have a big enough zone to see it. Only thing could be that he is truly an a**hole. These are the type of people that will not survive if there is an apocolypse. Good thing about that happening is 75% of the people will die; for the simple reason of stupidity. Survival of the fittest.

Go see Iron Man.

Saturday, May 3

Kids Visitation

Well this weekend I had the three musketeers, holy terrors, stooges.. i think they all fit. This is an update of the long day. Okay, maybe its not that bad. The morning was spent sleeping in from the late night the had before under Spencer's watch since I was at work. Of course by the time I retired last night at 3 am, my 10 year old was still awake. Tilden has odd hours, mostly from his medication for his liver. We woke up to trying to figure out a situation regarding Lagoon with their Aunt Patience, but it was all for naught. Really, it's good for them to spend time with their Aunt, but this is my time with my children.
We started the morning helping their Uncle with some yard work. The city had left dumpsters for cleanups and today was the last day. The usual three good ol' boys consisting of Me, Spencer and Jared got together (along with Emmy's brother Jonathan) to help remove some of the debri from last years project of tearing down some old planters in the backyard. We three are thick as thieves and we just about always help each other. Caitlyn and Tilden grabbed some gloves and helped load the wheelbarrows of branches and wood. Dallin Supervised. After completing this, I brought the three with me to work to get some work done in my Lawn and Garden department. At first this worked, but eventually it came to the point of me chasing around 3 kids while attempting to get things done. After 2 hours I surrendered and left with a little accomplished. That's my luck for attemtping that.
We got home and decided to do what we do best, GAMING. We played a bit of Mario Kart for Wii. Even the 3 year old, Dallin, got involved, but he kept driving off course. Its expected from a 3 year old, but my spawn should be picking this up already !!!! After a bit of that we moved to Rockband, with Jared belting out some Interstate Love Song and My Iron Lung (which is featured in my playlist). After our concert we headed over to blockbuster and made some selections that I wouldn't ever make myself: Mr.Bean's Holiday and The Waterhorse. Well, it's their day.
Needless to say, I am wore down at this point. I'd watch the movie, but i'd probably fall asleep.

Friday, May 2

Summer Movie Streak.

Well, this summer will have some notable flicks coming out. So, with my recent divorce, have decided to catch all the notable flicks coming out in the theatre. Jared and I will then report on our blogspots, our P.O.V. o f the film.

So with no further ado, I will list my schedule of films to hit!
This week, it will be the anticipated Iron Man !

Starring Robert Downey Jr, Terrence Howard, and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Based on the Marvel Comics character Iron Man, of course.

Here is the Rest of my anticipated schedule:
May 9- Speed Racer
May 16- Narnia: Prince Caspian
May 23-Indiana Jones
May 30- Sex in the City
June 13- Hulk
June 20- Get Smart
June 27- Wanted / Wall-E
July 4- Hancock
July 11- Hellboy
July 18- The Dark Knight
July 25- X Files: I want to believe
Aug 1- The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Across The Universe Video Review

I have decided to write my reviews in the following format. I am not going to discuss plots, stories, etc. I am simply going to give recommendations, likes, dislikes, and warnings. If you want to know what it's about, watch the movie. Thats why it's there: to watch it.

If you are a beatles fan, you will like this movie. Featuring great Beatles songs such as Hey Jude, Something, Strawberry Fields, and I am the Walrus. Of course all of these songs are not Beatles originals but sung with a bit of a twist. I would classify this move as a musical, since the film's story pacing is interrupted with the spots of each song. It is a pleasant interruption if you are a beatles fan.

The film is period based with some historical events happening in the background. You will like this if you are interested in that era or lived during it.The film is a romance, but there are other characters outside of the romance that the film focuses on. The acting is average. Be warned there is moderate language, drug use, sexual themes (no content), and brief nudity (on the artsy side).

When I rented this movie, the clerk told me it was psychodelic. Huh, didn't see what she meant. A one night stand type of movie. Possibly for the collection. I dont think I could make it thru another viewing for a while, or if I wanted to listen to the soundtrack. One of the soundtrack's songs is in my playlist at the bottom of this blogspot: Hey Jude.