Saturday, May 3

Kids Visitation

Well this weekend I had the three musketeers, holy terrors, stooges.. i think they all fit. This is an update of the long day. Okay, maybe its not that bad. The morning was spent sleeping in from the late night the had before under Spencer's watch since I was at work. Of course by the time I retired last night at 3 am, my 10 year old was still awake. Tilden has odd hours, mostly from his medication for his liver. We woke up to trying to figure out a situation regarding Lagoon with their Aunt Patience, but it was all for naught. Really, it's good for them to spend time with their Aunt, but this is my time with my children.
We started the morning helping their Uncle with some yard work. The city had left dumpsters for cleanups and today was the last day. The usual three good ol' boys consisting of Me, Spencer and Jared got together (along with Emmy's brother Jonathan) to help remove some of the debri from last years project of tearing down some old planters in the backyard. We three are thick as thieves and we just about always help each other. Caitlyn and Tilden grabbed some gloves and helped load the wheelbarrows of branches and wood. Dallin Supervised. After completing this, I brought the three with me to work to get some work done in my Lawn and Garden department. At first this worked, but eventually it came to the point of me chasing around 3 kids while attempting to get things done. After 2 hours I surrendered and left with a little accomplished. That's my luck for attemtping that.
We got home and decided to do what we do best, GAMING. We played a bit of Mario Kart for Wii. Even the 3 year old, Dallin, got involved, but he kept driving off course. Its expected from a 3 year old, but my spawn should be picking this up already !!!! After a bit of that we moved to Rockband, with Jared belting out some Interstate Love Song and My Iron Lung (which is featured in my playlist). After our concert we headed over to blockbuster and made some selections that I wouldn't ever make myself: Mr.Bean's Holiday and The Waterhorse. Well, it's their day.
Needless to say, I am wore down at this point. I'd watch the movie, but i'd probably fall asleep.

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