Sunday, May 11

Picture from the Past

Well, I am going to have some fun with some of my pictures.. every week I am going to post a "picture from the past". I will then give a little history behind it. Sometimes it will be a picture of an object from the past.

So, Here is the first picture from my past....

This week is typically the prom week for Utah schools, and this picture fits for the time of the year. This is a picture from my (at the time) girlfriend's prom from 15 years ago. (I was a senior in this picture) Was it that long ago?? Wow!

Pictured from left to right.. Well the first guy was my friend's date and obviously he was not important enough to remember his name!!!!! Haha, oh well. Thanks for playing. Next in line, brings Debbie Nearing, a good friend. followed by: me! With hair! 2 years later would end the hair days for me. The last would be Heather Eldredge, my ex-girlfriend.

Sad enough to say, the details of the prom are lost in the attic of my mind.

1 comment:

Patience said...

It's been 3 months, I KNOW you have new stuff to write about.....